Omni Automation Engine
Reduce Life Insurance underwriting expense by 70%+, make decision 100x faster, with 0% incremental risk
Improve the customer experience through guided and automated underwriting decisions

Omniscience Life Insurance Underwriting Automation Software is different
Outperform off-the-shelf algorithms & models for 70-90% better savings and 100X speed and accuracy
Higher straight-through processing rates (STP) no matter the data
Omniscience's Computational Platform and propriety math and distributed programming extend gains on top of current methods and data used today
Automate without Increasing mortality risk, no matter the product
Proprietary modeling methods provide best decision and rating to optimize mortality loss costs for fluidness, accelerated, or fully-UW complex and high-value policies
Make automated human-level decisions fully transparent and explainable
Enable more straight-through processing even for complex, medically underwritten and high-face value policies
Omni Decision Engine in Action
From application to close, Omniscience optimizes your workflow to improve customer experience

Applying its transformational technology to life insurance initially and expanding to other industries, Omniscience was named one of the Top 10 Underwriting Solution Providers of 2019. Omniscience empowers underwriters with technological advances using AI to streamline efficiency and precision.