Life insurance underwriting automation with 100x speed and accuracy, 70-90% opex savings with 0% additional risk

Omniscience’s computational software platform helps insurers get 10x better ROI than current rules and predictive models


Top insurance companies work with Omniscience to fully digitize underwriting and gain 23-61% more Straight-through Processing than existing rules and predictive model-based approaches

Delivering superior results and business value to our customers and investors since 2016

Seamless experience for your life insurance customers from application to decision

Homepage_UWA Workflow
Intelligent Data Processing

Extract >                                                                                                                                  
Patented technology that extracts and
structures applicant data no matter the
document type or language in batch or via
mobile or tablet

Omni Profile >
Combines data across multiple sources
(e.g., application, Rx, MVR, EHR, financial
requirements data into a unified profile for
analysis, decisioning and audit

Omni Kaizen (active learning) >
Flexible module to improve model performance
via user feedback in current workflow

Language Agnostic



English, other Romance languages, and more




Underwriting Automation

Improve business results with a flexible computational platform built to scale at 10^10

Install megaservices within weeks

Leverage Kubernetes and commodity hardware on the cloud allow
for more efficient use of compute resources

Leverage the power of our computational platform

Take advantage of our library of proprietary
distributed algorithms, data sources, and workflows
to deliver better customer experiences

Homepage Omni Platform 1
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